
Kiyana: Marvelous! We will start with the very basics. You need to read about weaving in order to start training your skills. You can purchase all the books you'll need to start tailoring in Emerald Valley with Grigore Ureche. The most basic tailoring item is White Fabric. After you've read the Book of Fabric Weaving, you'll be able to start making it. You will require 10 thread and 1 loom to create it.

Kiyana: I'll assume you know where to buy thread, but looms are rare items. They can only be purchased at specialty stores in Tarsengaard and Irinveron. Speak with Croitorul in Irinveron, he is the closest merchant. So once you have these components, come back to me and create the White Fabric in front of me. We'll move on from there.

Kiyana: *She examines your stitching thoroughly.* Very nice. I had my doubts at first, but there's definitely a perfectionist in you! Now that you have the basic fabric down, we will move onto dyes. Dyes are how we color our various fabrics... which obviously is extremely important! What is fashion without color! Red dye is the easiest to make. For dyes, a special square vial is required.

Kiyana: The color is very potent, good work. Now for orange dye. You will need another square vial (as you will for all dyes that you make from here on), 14 red roses, 2 water essences and 14 sunflowers. There are some sunflowers around here you can harvest for your dye. See you soon!

Kiyana: Well done. Now that you have made all the dyes, I am going to teach you how to dye fabrics... and even create some new colors! But let's start with basic fabric dyeing. I'd like you to create some orange fabric. You will need to create 1 orange dye and 1 white fabric. But there's more! You will need 5 air essences to aid with drying the fabric. Gather those and return to me.

Kiyana: Excellent. Now let's try this again. Make me some blue fabric. I'm sure you can figure out how to make it!
Kiyana: Again, you are doing a wonderful job. Now make me some black fabric. The difference with black fabric is that it requires 2 black dye instead of just 1. I await your return!

Kiyana: You really are a natural! Now I will teach you how to make different colors. Brown fabric is first. You will need your 5 air essences and 1 white fabric to start off with. Then combine them with 1 black dye and 1 red dye. This will result in brown fabric. See you soon. *She smiles.*

Kiyana: Well done. Now for gray fabric... and then we'll move on to more complicated tailoring items. Combine 1 black dye with your fabric and air essences. It will look black at first, but once it dries, it will appear to be gray instead.
Kiyana: I think you have fabrics down pat! Now you will need all this information that I taught you from here on. You're going to need a pair of scissors in order to make the remaining items I'm going to teach you about... so head back to Croitorul and buy one. First up is the black scarf. It's a simple, yet powerful fashion statement. You'll need 5 black fabric, 1 needle and 10 thread. I'll see you when you return!

Kiyana: You are doing fabulous! Now I want a red scarf. Same formula, just use red fabric this time!

Kiyana: *She chuckles.* How about some keystone piece of a pirate's outfit? As low-fashion as they seem, you can use them as inspiration for this next scarf. You need 5 black fabric, 1 needle, 10 thread and 2 white fabric. I'll be waiting for you here!

Kiyana: You seem to have mastered scarves, let's move onto the basic hats. I need you to create a Black Tricorn Hat for me: 5 black fabric, 2 needles and 10 thread.

Kiyana: You are progressing rather quickly... how about something a little more challenging? Yes... that's a fabulous idea... the brown buccaneer hat! You need 6 brown fabric,1 needle and 15 thread... but that's not all. You will also need the feather of a cockatrice to make the hat! Cockatrice are powerful monsters found in Willowvine Forest. You will need acquire one some way. Good luck!

Kiyana: Well I hope you got multiple feathers, because now I would like you to make me a black buccaneer hat? Same formula, you just need black fabric instead.

Kiyana: Ok fine. How about falcon feathers instead? I would like you to make me a blue cavalier peacock hat. You need 6 blue fabric, 1 falcon feather, 1 needle and 15 thread.

Kiyana: *She looks puzzled.* You know, I never thought about that. But I think you've mastered hats and you're ready to start making pants. I think your butt would look amazing in some black red striped baggy pants. I think it's time to take the training wheels off... you're going to have to find the formulas for yourself from this point on! Good luck.
Kiyana: Hm, not as amazing as I'd thought. I don't think the red looks right... perhaps purple instead? Yes! Make a pair of black and purple striped baggy pants.

Kiyana: Still not quite there... I know! Try a pair of black blue striped baggy pants instead. I'll be here waiting.
Kiyana: I agree with you... you just don't have the figure to pull off stripes. *She smiles.* Some plain black baggy pants should be a better fit. Hurry back with the ingredients! I think we've found a good look for you.
Kiyana: Yes, much better. I think you can pull off the brown baggy pants look, too. So that is your next task... make me a pair of those.

Kiyana: You've perfected your pants sewing skills. Let's move on to robes and robe skirts. Did you know the robe colors actually stand for certain religious affiliations? For example, those who don robes of red are worshippers of Zarin while those who wear robes of gold are followers of Jayden. Why don't we make the robes of Glilin? His are brown.

Kiyana: Excellent work. Now I need you to make the brown robe skirt to complete the ensemble.

Kiyana: Great work. Now make a robe top for someone who would be considered a worshipper of Elandria. If you don't know what color robe that is, perhaps you should go to Elandria's temple in Desert Pines and see what LaBelle is wearing. That will give you an idea!

Kiyana: Indeed! You've done well with your research. But the task isn't complete... I still need you to make me the robe skirt, too!

Kiyana: Good. It's time to learn how to create tunics now... my personal favorite fashion statement! I want you to make me a tunic if my favorite color... lavender! I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'll see you soon!

Kiyana: Oh wow, this turned out absolutely stunning! I can already tell you're going to be a big name in the fashion industry. I need you to make me even more tunics for my closet. Can you make me a green one, please?

Kiyana: I need a black one, too. Black is kind of a staple color for any outfit. I'll be here when you're ready to make it.

Kiyana: Indeed it did. Now can you please make me one in red? I love wearing red when I want to exude confidence. I'm confident that you'll complete this task flawlessly.

Kiyana: And now make me a blue tunic. You're doing so well!

Kiyana: This is the last normal tunic, I swear. I need a white one. After this, we'll move on to more complicated clothing.

Kiyana: I need to teach you about the more sophisticated looks now... did you know you can combine tunics and shirts to create a whole new look? Well let's see how well you do with them.. create a red tunic and white shirt combination for me. Good luck!

Kiyana: Yes, it seems you're picking up on these pretty quickly. Well why don't you make me one more of these... black tunic and purple shirt to be exact.

Kiyana: I think you have mastered all of the basic articles of clothing... we're almost done with your training, so we should move on to the most advanced tailoring items! First up is the mage robe pants... I'll tell you the formula since it's quite advanced. You'll need 2 enriched magic essences, 3 mixture of power, 3 needles, 18 purple fabric and 25 thread. It's advanced but I have faith in you!

Kiyana: I think you have mastered all of the basic articles of clothing... we're almost done with your training, so we should move on to the most advanced tailoring items! First up is the mage robe pants... I'll tell you the formula since it's quite advanced. You'll need 2 enriched magic essences, 3 mixture of power, 3 needles, 18 purple fabric and 25 thread. It's advanced but I have faith in you!

Kiyana: I think you have mastered all of the basic articles of clothing... we're almost done with your training, so we should move on to the most advanced tailoring items! First up is the mage robe pants... I'll tell you the formula since it's quite advanced. You'll need 2 enriched magic essences, 3 mixture of power, 3 needles, 18 purple fabric and 25 thread. It's advanced but I have faith in you!

Kiyana: I think you have mastered all of the basic articles of clothing... we're almost done with your training, so we should move on to the most advanced tailoring items! First up is the mage robe pants... I'll tell you the formula since it's quite advanced. You'll need 2 enriched magic essences, 3 mixture of power, 3 needles, 18 purple fabric and 25 thread. It's advanced but I have faith in you!

Kiyana: What's robe pants without the shirt? That's your next task. It's nearly the same formula with a few tweaks. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. Good luck.

Kiyana: How about you try a making a Tunic of the Ninja? When worn, not only does it help you blend in with your surroundings, but it gives you the Ninja perk. It's definitely a valuable item. Return to me when you're ready to make it.

Kiyana: How about you try a making a Tunic of the Ninja? When worn, not only does it help you blend in with your surroundings, but it gives you the Ninja perk. It's definitely a valuable item. Return to me when you're ready to make it.

Kiyana: Impeccable work. You're so close to being done. Now I need you to make me a universal hood. These items are unique... the hood itself is colorless, but when you wear it while you're wearing a cape, it will automatically change colors to match the cape. Quite amazing, huh? You'll need 5 enriched magic essences to make one though. Quite expensive but quite worth it.

Kiyana: Your work is quite amazing, but I wouldn't go that far. Hey, how about you make a vest? They are the latest trend in fashion? I would love a blue green one. Thanks. *She smiles and shoos you away.*

Kiyana: Hm, I'm not as fond of this color as I thought. Can you make me a black vest instead? I'd appreciate it! I'll be here waiting for you.

Kiyana: You've done it! You're marvelous! I've taught you all the basics you'll need to know about tailoring. Now go into the world and spread the teachings of Galienne! I'm so proud of you.

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