
Daritha, Tarsengaard (178,190)


It gives the same amount of Att and Def XP splitted by base+ att def level

GC based on level



Item BaseXP XP per level in att and def GC Level Requirements (manu)
30 Leather helm 3000 250 250  
30 Leather gloves 3000 300 300  
12 Iron shield 3000 350 3200  
30 Leather pants 3000 400 800  
1 Golden Star Mace 3000 400 10000  ?? probably the manu lvl 60+ required, (shadowgate got it at manu 62 the first time)
15 Wooden shield 3000 450 800  
20 Leather torso 3000 500 600  
12 Steel chainmail 3000 750 600  
10 Iron chainmail 3000 600 400  
10 Iron Sword 3000 600 1000  
30 Leather boots 3000 650 600  
15 Steel shield 3000 650 1400  
10 Titanium short sword 3000 800 1000  
150 Point Defence 3000 900 3000  
20 Iron Helm 3000 1200 1200  
03 Titanium chainmail 3000 1400 1000  
01 Steel Greave 3000 3000 36000 50
01 Steel Cuisses 3000 3000 36000 50
01 Iron Plate Mail 3000 3200 40000 ? (Ant got it at manu 62 the first time)
01 Titanium Greaves 3000 3200 42000 55
01 Titanium Shield 3000 3250 34000 60
01 Titanium Axe 3000 3450 40000 65
01 Bronze Shield 3000 3500 55000 60
01 Titanium Plate 3000 4450 110000 70
01 Bronze Plate 3000 5000 140000 ?
01 Dragon Blade 3000 5000 160000

? (Ant got it at manu 66 the first time)

01 Ice Dragon Mail 3000 900 0 70 (NB:reward - Elven Bow of Wilhelm Hood)
01 Blue Dragon Mail 3000 900 0 70 (NB: reward - Dragon Blade of Mirroring)

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