
This Quest Learning How to Harvest is a Tutorial Quest that goes from low harvest items to higher ones. It needs all Harvest Knowledge there is in Game.

This hist is a Copy from el-wiki.net Forum.

This Quest start at VOTD at Elle NPC (124, 161)

Green = need a time
(x:xx - x:xx) = exact time
Brown = wrong time
Red = PK zone

1) 50 Snapdragons VOTD [152,152]- (x2 bush). Not have hour.
2) 50 Blue Lupines NC [156,107] - (x2 bush). Not have hour.
3) 40 Cactuses DP [19,65] - 4:00 - 4:45. + 600 xp Maybe until 4:55 but its some strange, see the post
4) 50 Yellow Roses TG Magic School Garden  [114:135] - Me harv 5:28. Viper 4:18. + 700 xp
5) 50 Red Roses VOTD [149,173] - Viper 4:21 Me 0:12. + 800 xp
6) 50 Black Roses MM [149,121] - Viper 4:26 Me 0:19. + 900 xp
7) 40 White Lillies PL [78,75]  - Viper 4:31 Me 0:24. + 1000 xp
8 ) 40 Swamp Candles WS [515, 348] - Viper 4:36 Me 0:36. + 1100 xp
9) 45 sunflower Naralik [86,75] - Viper 4:40 Me 0:42. + 1200 xp
10) 35 Wheat Ruins of Tirnym [21,162] - Viper 4:48 Me 0:49. + 1300 xp
11) 50 Sulfur MM Cave [142,129] - Viper 4:55 Me 0:55. + 1400 xp
12) 55 Honeycomb PL [76,139] - Me 1:05. + 1500 xp
13) 25 Quartz IP Spider Cave [42,38] - Me 1:15  + 1600 xp
14) 25 Blue Quartz CC [33,49] - Me 1:22 + 1700 xp
15) 25 Rose Quartz WS Coal Cave [83,83] - (exactly!) Me 1:46 + 1800 xp
16) 10 Gysum Arius [247,250] - Me 1:59 + 1900 xp
17) 50 Daffodils Irsis [212,205] - Lalaith 00:00 (until 00:30?) (Apolka_2 - until 00:45 at least)  + 2000 xp
18) 30 Iron Ore Nara catacombs [47,153] + 2100 xp
19) 35 Silver Ore WS Vermor Castle [15,122] (enter through coffin at 19,54) + 2200 xp
20) 50 Mugwort Melinis Cave (to Thelinor) [191,418] + 2300 xp
21) 50 Valerian TG [50,140] - Lalaith 2:20 - 2:59 + 2400 xp
22) 65 Poppies GP [87,215] + 2500 xp
23) 55 Poison Ivy KJ [220,190] + 2600 xp
24) 40 Gold Ore VotD 2nd level [134,218] + 2700 xp
25) 65 Tulips PV [333,55] - Lalaith 1:00 - 1:20 but worked also at 0:23! Malogre 02:50 Me 4:53  -> maybe don't have hour + 2800 xp
26) 70 Red Currents NRM [67,222] - Lalaith 4:20 - 4:40 + 2900 xp
27) 80 Blue Berries IotF [137,47] + 3000 xp
28) 45 sapphires NC north cave [50,21] PK! + 3100 xp
29) 45 emeralds Bethel Caverns [172,42] PK! + 3200 xp
30) 45 rubies Zirakgunda [161,338] + 3300 xp
31) 100 titanium ore KJ cave to WVF [90,143] + 3400 xp
32) 70 Henbane Sedicolis [106,130] - (3:05 - 3:35) + 3500 xp
33) 45 Diamonds Tiryhm Past [107,132] + 3600 xp
34) 75 Nightshade Bethel Cave [27,135] + 3700 xp
35) 70 Yarrow TG [147, 218] - (1:15 - 1:35) + 3800 xp
36) 70 Wormwood SKF [176,173] - (5:45 - 5:59) + 3800 xp
37) 50 White Chanterelle Hurquin [78,87] - Me 3:45 + 4000 xp
38) 50 Ogre Toes Glacmor [222,140] - xanthus 0:15  Me 5:02 + 4100 xp
39) 75 Tree Mushrooms Ida [343,541] - xanthus 0:20 (0:15 - 0:26) + 4200 xp
40) 5 Hydrogenium Ore Imbroglio Islands [47,96] - The way is PK - xanthus 2:50 - 3:00 ghio 2:30 Maybe 2:00 - 3:00 (2:00 - ??) + 4300 xp
41) 5 Tin Ore Ida mine [142,315] - Me 1:05+ 4400 xp
42) 5 Wolframite Ores AA caves [53,188] - Me 1:36 Saxum 3:10 + 4500 xp
43) 5 Copper Ore Arius Copper Cave [269,256] - Me 2:36 + 4600 xp
44) 40 Turquoise Melinis Caves [104,388] - Me 3:06 Saxum 1:10 + 4700 xp
45) 5 Seridium ore Grubani Peninsula [256,364] - Cabman 1:50 Rabbitman 1:15 Me 1:24 wigbolt 1:05 NO: 2:01,1:00 + 4800 xp
46) 75 Cinnabar Trassian Caves[692,658] + 4900 xp
47) 100 Yew Kusamura Jungle  [44,374] - (1:10 - 1:50) + 5000 xp
48) 5 Dvarium Thelinor [228,122] + 5100 xp
49) 50 Dung Irinveron [339,352] - (3:15 - 3:45) + 100K xp
50) 20 Amber Nordcarn Cavern [129,70] - cabman,ant (5:35 - 0:00) + 10000 xp

Back to Elle and get the final reward 300K exp (900K on Stakhanov Day !)

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