  • 20,000 Magic experience
  • 10,000 Alchemy experience
  • 10,000 Crafting experience
  • 10,000 Manufacturing experience
  • Easy access to Dra Syn via the Wizard's Passage
  • 20,000 extra Magic experience from Estilo later if you give Kalana 10,000 gc
  • 3 Water Essences
  • 3 Fire Essences
  • 2 Honeycombs
  • 150 gc
  • 3,000 gc (or 13,000 gc if you want the 20,000 extra Magic experience from Estilo)
  • 4,000 Cotton
  • 2,000 Thread
  • 40 Needles
  • 50 Mana Potions
  • 50 Minor Healing Potions
  • 30 SRs
  • 30 BRs
  • 125 HEs
  • 40 Empty Vials
  • 20 Mercury
  • 90 Poison Antidotes
  • Talk to Quello in the Wizard's passage in Dra Syn, Trassian. He wants something translated and will send to you to his daughter Aurora.
  • You can find Aurora in the healers chambers in Tarsengaard Magic School. Aurora will send you to Palon Vertas Magic School to find a vial.
  • Use the green vial in the storage room next to the classrooms in Palon Vertas Magic School.
  • Go back to Tarsengaard and give the potion to Aurora. She will then send you to find Christina in White Stone.
  • You can find Christina in the tavern in Lakeside Village, White Stone. She will ask you to bring her 3 Water Essences, 3 Fire Essences, 2 Honeycombs, 150 gc and permission from Governor Kalana.
  • Governor Kalana is in Desert Pines. She asks you to give her 3,000 gc so she can fill out the form. Once you will give her the gc she will tell you she can't find the form and it will take her a month to get it as she's so busy.
  • At this stage you can find the form for her or you can pay her 10,000 gc to do it quicker. Paying the 10,000 gc will also let you get an extra 20,000 magic experience from Estilo.
  • To find the form go into her house and use an energy essence on the paw print on the left above the fireplace. Then go to the shelves to the left of the door and click on the light brown book to get the form. Take the form back to the governer and she will give you the permission you need.
  • Go back to Christina with all the things she asks for. She will tell you you need a written translation and send you back to Aurora.
  • Aurora is very busy collecting supplies so can't help you unless you get ingredients for her. Once you have them in your storage, you have to go to Palon Vertas.
  • Find Yinto in the green house in Treesoar Village, Palon Vertas. She will take the note and put it in her pocket but you now have the written translation so go back to Quello.
  • Give Quello the translation. Quest over, lots of lovely experience and he will also give you free access to Dra Syn.
  • If you bribed Kalana for the permission, you can now go to Estilo and tell him about the bribery for extra 20,000 magic experience.

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