  • total of 281,900 Attack experience
  • total of 281,900 Defense experience
  • Vanquisher perk (effective +1 a/d in combat)
  • None
  • Talk to Novac in Isla Prima, south from the campfire. He will tell you to kill specific creatures one by one. You must do them in this order, and after each kill you must return to Novac to get your experience and the next creature.
  • Tested ways of killing the creature include: fighting it normally, fighting it while someone harms, fighting it and using an item like ring of power, shooting it with a bow.
  • Casting harm or similar spell that kills the creature without you being in combat with it will not work.
  • When you kill the right creature, you will get a message telling so. If it wasn't the right one, keep looking around. The given locations are only spawn points, they often wander pretty far from their spawns.
  • Rat in house on Isla Prima [85,106], 400 xp
  • Brownie on Isla Prima nortwest corner of the map about [ 32,171], 600 xp
  • Deer in Desert Pines between Aluwen temple and tele, 800 xp
  • Green Snake in Desert Pines close to Harvy, 1,000 xp
  • Talk to Kalana and kill Fox in Portland west of manuschool, 1,500 xp
  • Small Spider in crystal caverns, Desert Pines near rose quartz, 1,800 xp
  • Boar in Valley of the Dwarves near ancient temple, 2,000 xp
  • Wolf in Nordcarn, near Souther Killiran Field exit, 2,200 xp
  • Male Goblin in Naralik, near haz storage, 2,400 xp
  • Large Spider in Naralik, dark brown, near mag school, 2,500 xp
  • Skeleton in Portland Titanium Mines, right when you enter the cave, 3,000 xp
  • Chinstrap Penguin in Iscalrith (wear MM cape for the Yeti, also wear something warm), between exit to Glacmor and tavern, 4,000 xp
  • Puma in White Stone, between Forest of the Fall and Elavro Mountains, 4,000 xp
  • Tall Winged Gargoyle in Tarsengaard, Gargoyle Cave, 4,000 xp
  • Armed Skeleton in Nordcarn South Cave, over the bridge on the way to rubies, 4,200 xp
  • Hobgoblin in White Stone Underground, where old haz sto was, 4,500 xp
  • Female Orc in Glacmor Skill Academy sewers, 5,000 xp
  • Male Orc in Naralik catacombs (160, 70), 5,000 xp
  • Troll in Idaloran mines, near Tin ore, 5,000 xp
  • Grizzly Bear in White Stone south of Northern Woods, west of teleport (but it can step on teleport and land near Morcraven Marsh entrance), 6,000 xp
  • Ogre in Carmien Manor in Southern Kilaran - right at the door on the 2nd level unless it's wandered off. 6,000 xp
  • Polar Bear in Irinveron, southeast. 7,000 xp
  • Armed Female Orc in Grubani Peninsula near Grahm's Village entrance. 7,000 xp
  • Armed Male Orc in Imbroglio Islands, in the fire maze before the hydro cave. 8,000 xp
  • Cyclops in Egratia Point - lower sandy area. 8,000 xp
  • Fluffy Rabbit in Melinis (310,150). 8,000 xp
  • Phantom Warrior in Ruins of Tirnym. 8,000 xp
  • Feros in North Redmoon. 8,000 xp
  • Desert Chimeran in Thelinor. 9,000 xp
  • Forest Chimeran in Willowvine Forest. 9,000 xp
  • Mountain Chimeran in Ruins of Tirnym. 9,000 xp
  • Yeti in Irinveron Caves. 9,000 xp
  • Cockatrice in Willowvine Forest. 10,000 xp
  • Arctic chimeran in Trassian (Dra Syn, one of the underground passages, entrance around 15,85) 15,000 xp
  • Giant in Aeth Aelfan(PK area) 20,000 xp
  • Red Dragon in North Redmoon volcano 25,000 xp
  • Black Dragon in Aeth Aelfan 30,000 xp
  • Ice Dragon in Hulda 30,000 xp+ Vanquisher perk (effective +1 a/d in combat)

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