K&M Open Forum 42 topics
This is the Open Forum for All registered users regardless of who
Last Post
Applications 17 topicsYou want to apply for the guild Post here
Moderators: toni, vinoveritas, Jeditotalwar, Gladiator, DarkDiablo, cabman, icevodka, Maddi, Rosabel, charlotte, NatureLover, Elywynn, Stitch
Guild Rules 1 topicThe rules of the guild
Moderators: toni, vinoveritas, Jeditotalwar, Gladiator, DarkDiablo, cabman, icevodka, Maddi, Rosabel, charlotte, NatureLover, Elywynn, Stitch
Disputes 1 topicYou have trouble with a guild member: post here
Moderators: toni, vinoveritas, Jeditotalwar, Gladiator, DarkDiablo, cabman, icevodka, Maddi, Rosabel, charlotte, NatureLover, Elywynn, Stitch
General Chat 23 topicsGeneral chat
Moderators: toni, vinoveritas, Jeditotalwar, Gladiator, DarkDiablo, cabman, icevodka, Maddi, Rosabel, charlotte, NatureLover, Elywynn, Stitch
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